
What is your dog trying to tell you?

Lisa McFadyen (Cherokees K9 School) and her trusty dog ‘Astro’ teach us the langauge of dogs. Lisa says that the statement “There were no warning signs before the dog bit” is nonsense. There are always warning signs and we can learn to read them.

Freedom Fighters

The massive rallies Melbourne experienced in 2021 were labelled by the government – and the compliant media – as a few thousand violent anti-vaxxers. This video puts truth to that lie

Cheryl Drayton Elder Talks About ‘The Voice’

Cheryl Drayton is a Kurnai Elder of Gippsland and VACL Treasurer/Director. Cheryl has over 30 years experience in Education and Health supporting Koori students years 7-12 and early childhood development; providing teaching guidance and counselling as well as Indigenous curriculum expertise. She has also held various strategic government positions for the Office of Aboriginal Affairs …

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Chemical-Free Household & Family Living – Tahlia Esler

Tahlia EslerFor over a decade I have worked closely with clients to get the results that they need by tailoring individual solutions. With increased awareness around the effects of chemicals on our body, many people are now looking for natural options to support their family. Having embraced three, natural, drug free pregnancies and births I …

Chemical-Free Household & Family Living – Tahlia Esler Read More »

Gerard Bini on EMF, 5G & More

Gerard Bini is a renowned Intuitive Building Biologist and the founder of Orgone Effects®. With over 20 years of Intuitive Building Biology Consultancy and EMF research experience, Gerard uses his knowledge to help individuals cultivate the best work and living spaces in their lives. Gerard has pioneered the Intuitive Google Earth-based EMF property surveys and …

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